Why December May Be the Best Time to Buy a Modular Home

In the real estate industry, the holidays typically make for dismal sales. People are too busy hosting and attending parties to house hunt. But, if you can carve out some time between holiday gatherings, December may be the best month to visit Fiesta Homes and shop for your new modular home.

Year-End Buyer Benefits

Like the auto industry, modular home salespeople and firms have quotas and sales goals. As it nears the end of the month and/or calendar year, salespeople are aggressively trying to boost their numbers. Manufacturers are also trying to reduce inventory of current year models. That’s good news for buyers because it means that there may be more room to negotiate on price.

Year-End Buyer Options

Many people avoid shopping for and buying modular homes in December because the weather may present some challenges to on-site assembly. Fiesta Homes can help you take advantage of year-end savings while delaying delivery and assembly.

Contact us to learn more about your options for purchasing, pre-ordering and financing your new modular home. And, ask us about tax credits and deductions for 2017 you may be eligible for with your purchase.