How to Reduce Stress When Moving with Kids

With so many tasks and responsibilities, moving day can be very stressful. It’s usually even more so when you have kids in tow, who are likely to become bored or restless during the process. Here are a few effective tips for parents to keep their kids calm, happy, and well behaved when moving from one home to another.

Discuss the Move and What to Expect

Many children fear the unexpected, so providing information can be extremely soothing. Let your kids know what to expect on moving day, how long the process is going to take, and where you’ll be relocating to. If they express dismay, focus on the positives of the situation. For example, they’ll get to decorate their own room in their new home. They’ll also get to meet and make friends with kids in their new neighborhood to expand their social circle.

Give Children Small Tasks and Chores

If your children feel useful, they’re less likely to become bored on moving day. Make sure the tasks are age-appropriate, as you don’t want to give kids more responsibilities than they can currently handle. Sweeping up, packing small boxes, or even labeling items are usually good moving-day chores for kids. Older kids can be responsible for packing up their own belongings or cleaning their rooms after items have been moved.

Consider Hiring a Babysitter

It may also be in your best interest to enlist extra help with wrangling your kids on moving day. For instance, a babysitter can keep them occupied with toys and games. They can also keep children out of your way and out of the way of movers. If you can’t find a babysitter, consider asking a dear friend or family member to babysit your kids at their home until the process is complete.

While moving day is often stressful, Fiesta Homes makes it easy to find a property you absolutely love. We offer a wide variety of floor plans to ensure your family’s needs are perfectly met. We also customize homes, so you will love where you live for years to come. And if you’re buying a home on a budget, be sure to ask about our financing options.

Find a home you love in Las Cruces by calling 575-525-4680. You can also contact us today to learn more about our company and our process.