Tips For Enhancing Senior Safety in A Home

Most seniors would prefer to remain in their homes, as opposed to being relocated to an assisted living facility. However, living at home can pose quite a few hazards to the elderly if their properties aren’t senior-friendly.

In this case, helping senior loved ones update their homes is crucial for peace of mind. Here are a few simple steps you can take to eliminate hazards and prevent accidents.

Make Updates to the Bathroom

The bathroom poses a major risk of slips and falls due to wet surfaces. Accordingly, utilizing non-slip flooring can prevent numerous mishaps by helping seniors maintain sturdy footing. If a flooring replacement is too expensive, you can use non-slip mats instead. Mats can also be placed inside tubs to prevent falls while bathing. Grip bars are another crucial component in bathrooms. Bars should be installed around the toilet, as well as inside and outside the tub.

Remove Clutter and Tripping Hazards

Along with the bathroom, falling hazards can also be present in other areas of the home. For instance, seniors can easily trip on throw rugs situated throughout the home due to decreased mobility. In the same token, clutter on the floor can cause seniors to trip and experience a potentially debilitating injury. Take some time to assess your loved one’s home to identify potential tripping hazards and remove them before a serious accident occurs.

Upgrade Lighting to Boost Visibility

Along with eliminating falling hazards, make sure your loved one’s home has plenty of light. Many older adults experience eye issues, and these issues may become more pronounced in low-light situations. You don’t necessarily need to install brand new fixtures if you’re not satisfied with the level of illumination. Strategically placed floor lamps can work wonders and are more affordable than buying and installing new light fixtures.

A Home Seniors Can Be Proud Of

Along with safety, elderly people also want to take pride in where they live. If you’re searching for a new home in Las Cruces, Fiesta Homes has been serving the community for more than two decades. Our wide selection of floor plans ensures that every person and family can find a home that suits their needs. Our team is also able to customize homes for your complete satisfaction.

Feel free to call 575-525-4680 today to speak with a knowledgeable representative. You can also contact us if you have questions or would like to know more about our process. We look forward to speaking with you!