How to Keep Pests Out of Your Manufactured Home


Part of maintaining your manufactured home is keeping pests at bay. Rodents and insects negatively impact home comfort, but they also create an unsanitary environment. Fortunately, it’s possible to maintain a pest-free home when you take the following steps.

Keep Your Lawn Tidy

A messy lawn can attract pests. Both insects and rodents take refuge in overgrown grass and may attempt to get into your home in search of sustenance. Mowing your lawn regularly and removing pools of water greatly cuts back on the pests lingering in your yard and keeps your home safe in the process.

Place Garbage Cans Away From Your Home

Rodents in particular may be attracted by food in your garbage can. Along with locating cans far away from your home, make sure that the lids are tight to deter pests from getting inside. Also, be sure to take out your garbage on a regular basis to keep the interior of your home neat and clean.

Don’t Feed Pets Outside

Insects and rodents will be drawn to pet food and water bowls. Whenever possible, feed pets inside, preferably away from entrances. If you must feed your pet outside, remove food and water dishes immediately after your pet has finished.

Install Skirting Around the Home

Should rodents take up residence under your home, there’s a good chance they will eventually make their way inside. Skirting covers any gaps between your manufactured home and the ground beneath it to deter infestations. It can be made from concrete, wood, vinyl, and many other materials, each of which offers unique benefits. Skirting can also boost aesthetic appeal and protect any plumbing situated under your home.

A Manufactured Home You Can Be Proud Of

Located in Las Cruces, Fiesta Homes helps homeowners find the living spaces of their dreams. We strive to keep our home prices affordable and don’t surprise home buyers with hidden fees. We also allow you to modify our popular floor plans to ensure your new manufactured home fully meets your needs. Feel free to contact us today or call (575) 525-4680 to speak with a friendly representative.